The Pubs of Horwich
Hi and welcome to my website. I grew up in Horwich and these were the first pubs I drank in. I left Horwich, travelled the world and have been fortunate enough to visit pubs in every continent. I don't get to visit Horwich very often so this website helps me with my memories. The pubs of Horwich and their backgrounds are special to me and so I thought I'd give them a website all of their own. Where helpful I've linked further material or other sites. I'm still working on these pages so please don't be too critical. Should you have any comments, additions or wish to share your thoughts or pictures with me please do so. Some of these pictures are not mine, I'm not that old. If they are yours, many thanks and I hope you do not mind. I also design web sites for others and I am available if required. You can contact me here. Cheers!
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